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PengKe Lighting | How to choose the light strip?

Source: PengKe Lighting

Time: 2019-11-27

  1. The brightness should be uniform
  1) The brightness distribution between the lamp beads and the lamp beads is uniform, indicating that the quality of the light bar is good, otherwise it is inferior. There are many reasons. The use of poor quality solder paste, or false soldering, etc., will cause uneven brightness distribution of the lamp beads or even no bright. Conventional discrimination method: observe whether the luminescence distribution is uniform.
  2) The light strip needs to be driven by a power source. When the drive power is connected to the light strip, the length of the light strip will appear inconsistent. That is, when the light band is not too long, the head and tail brightness are inconsistent, or the brightness difference is obvious, indicating that the lamp has a problem of voltage reduction. Conventional discrimination method: observe whether the brightness at the beginning and end are consistent after power-on.

  2.Light color should be consistent
  When there are problems with the lamp beads, resistors, capacitors or virtual soldering, the color of the light will not be the same when the power is turned on, that is, the color temperature and color unevenness will appear.
Conventional identification method: Put the light strip on a white or green background, power on, and observe under the basis of monochromatic light. The color temperature and color are not all inferior light strips.

  3.Selection of application scene
  The light strip is suitable for various scenes. Remember to choose the color temperature when selecting the light strip. The color temperature light strip used in general space is 3000K-4000K. This color temperature is the best under normal circumstances, like 1800k candle light. 2500k color temperature light strip is generally used in KTV, restaurants are more used.
  Routine selection method: It is recommended to ask the person who sells the light bar according to his needs.

  4. Color rendering index of led strip
  Color rendering index greater than 80 is a must for every light strip. It is also a requirement of national standards.

  5. Connection of light strip
  The light strip must be connected with the continuity of light emission when connected. This must be thought of when designing a lighting scheme. The area where the light strip is required to be emitted is free of breaks and shadows.
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